Monday, April 25, 2016

My Chinese Fever

Hi. such a long time (>o<)/  well, lately I've been busy studying and teaching at the same time, while also sooo into this 1 particular man named 黄景瑜. He driving me crazy. He got all that a man should has, as for me, he got beyond those perfection. As to know him better, i created a Weibo (twitter of china) account, just to follow him and get updates of him. I've even started to learn about the language which was the language i hated the most, mandarin. Since idk if he can speak English /not, and I've never heard/see him speak/write anything in English T_T
I've been sending him DMs on Instagram every single day just to say Halo and cheer him up. ikr, it's so embarrassing to doing these things. it's so not me at all. but for god's sake i really cant help it. i knew he might never read all those DMs but for me, hoping that someday he'll come up to his DMs and see my name on it, fingers crossed he'll read them, it's worth to dream for.
I've tried to chat him in Weibo too, but sadly due to how popular he's in China now, he git about 1k massages / second so kinda hard to get response from there T_T. YES! HE IS THAT POPULAR!! He even got his name written in CNN chart as the shining new comer.
He's so my type. he got all of my types represented into a fine young man named 黄景瑜. His International name is Johnny btw. He's 184cm tall, was born in 30-10-1992. YES! WE WERE BORN IN THE SAME YEAR. HE MIGHT BE REALLY FATED TO BE MY MATE >.< He is a funny yet silent man, likes to do sports, especially BRAZILIAN JIUJITSU. he has wide chest, good posture, his face is just ordinary chinese men type of face, but his jaw is so strong and firm, so manly.Oh! and his teeth is so cute when he smiles. We say it's his Tiger teeth. OMG i'm melted anytime i see him smile >.<.His voice is also PERFECT! I can even fall for his back! it's so perfect to lean on. he's just got his black belt in Jiujitsu, and i'm so happy and proud of him for that. if you ask me what so special about him despite these general matters, idk myself. I've been a fan of many guys like Adam Levine, Joel Madden, Billy Joe, Chef Juna, Vin Diesel, etc. But never 1 of them made me cry like Johnny did to heart beats fast like going to popped out anytime i see his pictures, even just a candid low-res pic. His fashion style is also my favorite. casual, mostly black, jacket/hoodie, hat, great sneakers, black mask, black sun glasses. HE IS A REAL ANGEL FALL FROM HEAVEN.
He is now busy do some photo shoots, interviews and stuff. But i know what he likes to do the most is Jiujitsu :( i can only support anything he do, i'm happy as long as he is. I wish i can find someone who can make me fall this deep.

Back to the matters with language, i have some recommendation for you guys who are trying to learn mandarin as i am, there're so many apps in playstore (android) to help. i have about 4 different apps installed to learn mandarin. You just have to type "learn chinese" and i suggest you to pick by the rating. Mandarin is really worth to learn, since there're many job vacancy requiring Chinese (mandarin) skill.  

enough with this, idk why i writing this, but i just feel like writing about him here. 


Friday, March 11, 2016

Some type of living

Dear blog, how u doing? tonight i'm just feel like writing down random things on you :D
Ok. first thing is this past 3 weeks, I've been bothered by thoughts of the end of my life. Sounds creepy yet scary right?. I was wondering, what would it like when i have to leave this world. Will there be anyone crying over me besides my family? Will i have good things left behind? memories, useful knowledge for my students, good impressions for anyone knows me, anything? Or will i just be some kinda blowing winds in people eyes?
Yes, i do admit i haven't done much of good things. I even have thousands of dreams to be true. Deep down in my heart, the most terrifying thing for me is when there's no one  keep me in their memory. well.. beside things/promises that i forget to give back T_T ( i wont be religious in this, since it's private matters :D)
I've decided for myself, when i turn 24 this year, i have to at least make 1 dream come true. That would be Me making moves to reach my scholarship for 2017!

Other thing that i've discovered lately, is that maybe i'm a FU****I >.< is that a sin? well i just love to see the story lines, how they show and fight for love to each other. It's amazing how you yield and admit even kneel down to show how much u love your other half. no matter what world will give you when u'r with him. Actually i'm quite confused, whether i want them to be real or i want them to be better -_-a

pardon my bad english. actually the main reason for writing in english is that i want to train my english writing for my IELTS which i dont know when to take yet LOL
FYI i'm writhing this while listening to my lovely Sarah Berailes songs #skipped!  see ya blog!

Friday, December 25, 2015

my Lose Weight desire

been a loooooong time since my last post here. kinda forget the password actually hahaha. my only brother's gonna be marry his fiance next month, January 16th to be exact. that's the biggest motivation for me to lose weight. Not to mention, i got my 67kg for some time now. i've tried many methods to losing weight, (OCD, Mayo diet, Fruit diet, etc) but nothing work on me. haha i know, i'm just cant keep in the schedule of when to eat, what to eat n what not to eat.
at last, i decided not to force my self. but after i tried those methods, i can tell, the best way to lose your weight is not to eat rice, not to drink any soda, not to have sweets too much, and drink water more. these things helps me better than those diet methods. ok! i lose 4 kg in 10 days. here's what i do:
1. drink 2 glasses of water when u get up in the morning, before eat anything
2. walk/run/jog in place for about 15-30 minutes each day
3. dont eat any sweet/main courses before 11.00
4. dont eat rice EVER! replace it with oats/boiled vegetables
5. relax and try to keep your mind from eating by having your job done or listen to ur favorite music
6. try to drink water at least 8 glasses a day

PS: this also help to deal with insomnia. proven in me!

well.. hopefully this post will bring any use for anyone who read this, let me know if it work on you too :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Pengen punya pacar

Oke, gue udah 21 tahun, gue juga usah slesai kuliah. Emang sih msih dalam tahap nyari gawean. Tapi udah boleh kan pacaran?
Awalnya gue enjoy banget jomblo, karna ada kegiatan n temen2 yang slalu bisa keeps me happy.
Tapi belakangan, pas gue udah balik k rumahh, jauh dari temen2, dan gak ada kuliah lagi kadang ngrasa kalo ternyata punya pacar itu keburuhan.

Kalo kudu jujur. Gue pengen punya pacar. Tapi bukan berarti smbarang orang bakal gue jadiin pacar kan?

Gue tau sih gue gak cantik, gue gak bisa ngurus diri sebagaimana mestinya cewe. Tapi emang gue dasarnya udah gitu.

Gak mungkin. Kalo gue kudu berubah cuma demi dapet pacar, tapi dilain sisi, gue juga pengen ngrasain gimana sharing masalah/hal2 baik sama orang, caring k org,..
Well only God and Time will guide u to the right 1, the one that will proudly admit that he loves me, proud of me of who i am without wishing me to change
The 1 that will only see me, no matter how beauty/better other gils are.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

ngempet yang bikin nyesek

ngempet, ngempet apa yang paling bikin nyesek?? buat kalian, ngempet apa yg paling nyiksa? kalo gue, ngempet yg paling nyiksa adalah ngempet perasaan. ngempet emosi, ngempet apa yg sharusnya "dikeluarin"

gue kayaknya emang udah ditakdirin jadi matchmaker alias mak comblang cuy, gue slalu dikelilingi sama future couple yg butuh bimbingan "konseling" cinta biar pada kbuka tuh tabir - tabir *etdah* dalam hati para pencinta *asek* *narihulahula*

jadi gini, gue kan lagi d pare, critanya ngejar skor toefl biar bs nyampe 630 *sokkeren*.. nah d tempat les2an gue tuh gue skelas ama seorang sarjana fresh graduate yg masih rada "galau" dalam style  n tingkahnya.. mulai dari baju yg warna warni ngejreng, kpop star wannabe dan masih banyak hal yg bikin gue ngrasa kalo tuh anak masih "alay" -_-" dia tuh udah tua, lbih tua dariu gue, tapi tingkahnya lebih childish daripada adek gue yang baru klas 2 sma. *maaf kakak* moga aj dia gak baca nih postingan *fingercrossed*

nah itu anak tuh pinter, smangat blajarnya juga kuat, trus dia juga low profile, asik dio ajak ngobrol, gak sombong dan banyak lagi. dia jatuh cinta pada seorang cewek, yang seumuran, sama2 imut muka n badannya, pas banget, nih cewek tuh juga bisa mendewasakan diri untuk ngimbangin sifat si kakak yg childish.
dari awal gue liat interaksi antara kedua insan ini, insting percomblangan gue langsung nongol. gue bisa langsung tau kalo ada cinta... antara kk I (M) dengan kk U (F). dari tingkah mereka, kliatan banget kalo si kk I udah nunjukin dengan sgala cara k kk U btapa dia cinta sama dia. dan dari apa yg gue tangkap, si kk U sebenarnya juga cinta ama yg cowo, tapi ada beberapa hal yg jadi pertimbangan buat dia untuk seriusin hubungannya dengan kk I.
di sisi lain, si kk U udah punya pacar, yang lagi ada di tempat asalnya kk U, gue disini jadi serba salah, apakah gue harus melanjutkan perjuangan untuk menyatukan cinta antara dua orang temen yg sedang kasmaran ini ataukah gue menyerah? karna kalo dipikir2 kalopun jadi nih, berarti bakal ada hati yang terluka T_T... gue udah pernah ngrasain gimana rasanya tersakiti, jadi gue gak mau kalo dalam pasangan2 yg gue persatuin itu ada salah satu pihak yg tersakiti -_-
tapiiiii.... kalo gue anggurin nih pasangan, brarti juga ada hati yg tersakiti, yg notabene org yg gue kenal, yg udah gue anggep kyk kakak gue kk I :'(
gimana dooooongggg???? Fitra galauuuuuu

gue cuma bisa berharap, semoga waktu akan segera membawa mereka, kk2 gue ini kepada keputusan akhir yang akan membahagiakan semuanya, dan semoga gak ada hati yg tersakiti *amin*

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Friendship is...

gue tipe orang yang suka berteman, kenal orang2 baru... pengalaman baru, tapi gue bukan orang yang talkative... jadi banyak orang disekitar yg baru tau gue bakal bilang gue pendiam atau bahkan ada yg ngejudge kalo gue songong T_T

padahal gue dasarnya emang gak begitu suka banget ngomong, gue juga kurang bisa bercanda.. gue juga orang yang paing gak bisa ngeliat orang langsung di matanya pas ada yang nagajak ngomong. itu bawaan orok cuy, bukan mau gue untuk gak natap lawan bicara, bukan maksud gue untuk jadi gak sopan, tapi karna emang gue gak bisa aja... :(

apa ini juga yang jadi penyebab kenapa gue rada susah bergaul? atau... apa mereka yang emang bertemannya milih2??bukan maksud gimana2.. tapi kok gue liat disni anak2 nya gitu semua ya -_-. gue kan bukan orang yang suka bb... gue android minded, gue suka didiemiun gitu kalo lagi pada heboh ngomongin apa yg mereka omongin d grup bbm :( ada lagi yg maenannya tab, gue didiemin kalo udah pada ngebahas game apa yg lagi mreka mainin d tab nya :( gue?? *krikrikrik* makan angin T_T

kenapa sih temenan aja kudu di liat dari otaknya pinetr ato gak, cantik ato jelek, kulitnya item atau putih, gadgetnya banyak apa dikit... kenapa juga temenan itu kudu pake syarat? hal hal kayak gini nih yang bikin gue ngerasa kalo temen sjati gue itu emang cuma si ipod kesayangan -___-


Friday, May 3, 2013

Friend or foe

Gue heran sama pertemanan antar cewek. Yah meskipun gue cewe tp gue lbih nyaman tmnan ama cowok.
Kenapa? Karna gue heran, gak ada batasan dlm pertemanan antar cewek, wether it's friend or foe.
Pas lagi nongol baek2nya.. Wuiiiihhh kmana2 berdua/segank, manggil2 say2an, curhat2an.. Gk trpisahkan dah.
Tapi ntar kalo udah ada masalah kecil dikit aja bakal saling jelek2in 1 sama lain, nyritain kjlekan temen ke orang2.. Pokonya gk banget dah. Tp ntar kalo dah baikan lagi, gitu lagi.
Sadar gak sih girls, susah nyari temen, cewek yg bisa dipercaya.
Yakin sahabat lo itu bnr2 sahabat? Yakin dy g prnah jlek2in lo? Yakin dy gak pernah n ga bakal khianatin lo?
Cukup skian buat renungan para wanita2..
Wujudkan hidup beriman!!! *yey*